A simple question-Are 40 pages sufficient for an engineering student to answer questions
of 100 marks in 3 hours....???
Welcome to uttar pradesh technical university(UPTU),the largest technical university of Asia,
undoubtedly running an updated syllabus in the present ever changing technological scenario.
but when it comes to the evaluation of the student,this body opts for a unique method of
restricting the size of the answer sheet,which consists of 40 pages..
The trends of examination keeps changing in general, with a logical restriction on duration,
restriction on the number of choices,distribution of marks...
but it is completely unfair to circle the writing capability of a student in 40 pages.
The answer booklet of UPTU has 20 sheets in it i.e 40 pages,with no provision for extra sheet,
the irony being a column on the cover page asking THE NUMBER OF "B" COPIES ISSUED.
As the time passes,the student keeps checking the number of pages left to accommodate all the
questions...it is true that many find 40 pages more than enough for the questions(i was also one
of them till last semester),but when i completely used all the 40 pages to answer all the questions in most of the subjects in this semester, i realised that it was not at all enough.
many of my friends were bound to leave some questions unattempted as there were NO PAGES LEFT FOR IT...!! isn't it strange..???
Many times there is a state of dilemma when we have to cut and redo some parts of answer
(mostly in numericals )...the reason being the small wastage of page...
I wouldn't discuss the mental harassment and psychological impact,as discussing depression leads
to depression.
We do agree with this approach of UPTU for curbing the unscrupulous means and cheating,but we request them to increase the number of pages to 50( at least)...
Minding them that in spite of inflation,the prices of paper haven't risen that much....even if that's
the case,the future of future engineers is more important than the cost of the paper.